Many of us enter into a phase of Christian life where we come to a point of saturation in which we no longer respond to the pastor’s speeches and words of encouragement. The testimonies of believers don’t affect our minds. We no more find joy in hearing such stuff. The reason is we never experienced any of such blessings or breakthroughs personally through God in our lives. It’s not our fault. Actually, the churches all around the globe exaggerate it so much and speak about financial breakthroughs, blessings in marriage and blessings for children and there is a non-stop session on praising God for his miracles. It is the church that encourages all of us to dream and to have faith in God. They raise our hopes saying that God wants to bless you, God wants to do this for you…. God wants to do that for you.

But the reality hits different. God don’t want to be a Genie in your life. He doesn’t rejoice in prayers that say - God give me a bungalow….God give me Ferrari. He has needs. He wants souls. He wants us to serve him, honor him. He’s like a strict father who provides for his children but doesn’t pamper them with his luxury.

I always write this in almost every article of mine- HAVE A TWO WAY RELATIONSHIP.

You should not treat God like a Genie and you yourself should also not behave like a mindless slave. Have some spine. Have a mutual relationship. He should protect you while you pray for souls, also he must take care of your NEEDS (NOT DESIRES).

We all have personal needs, we all will want God to do something for us in every phase of our lives. Ask what is necessary. Only ask if it is critical. Demand and take if God is not responding. How to demand? Say no to serve him, take a step back. Talk to him about your problem and ask him to interfere. It doesn’t work when the other person in the relationship is behaving passive. A relationship always takes two people, two actively participating people. A job for you is a need not luxury, you can demand this. Protection of your family from accidents and demonic activities is a need not luxury. 

Only ask what is needed. If you are in need of a home ask him to bless you with a decent one, you go out and search for one. Don’t ask him for a fantasy duplex villa with swimming pool on top. You work hard to buy one if it is your dream. If your not capable then accept life the way it is. When you are praying for your children ask God to help them in their academics, ask God to give them a decent job, don’t ask him to make your children doctors and astronauts when you know your child is not that capable. Pray for your bare necessities. Don’t be disappointed this is the beginning phase of your Christian life. Take time to raise your hopes. Take at least 5 to 10 years of time, in the mean while as you walk with Jesus learn, learn how to withstand a satanic attack, learn how to rebuke spirits coming your way, learn what God wants from you and learn what it means to pray according to his will (it’s mostly praying for souls).

Once you feel confident enough that you are no longer the seed sown on rocky surface that gets washed off when there is a storm, but you are the seed sown on rich soil that takes its time to grow roots beneath and then raises to heights, it is then that you start raising the bars of your hope. 

Read Mathew 13:3-8, then he told them many things in parables, saying: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. 4 As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. 5 Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. 6 But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. 8 Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. 

Always remember there will be thoughts being poured into your brain against God. Voices that say, "God could have done that for you, he was not even listening to your prayers all these days, all your prayers and fasting's went in vain". This is evil spirit talking to you. Rebuke it immediately in Jesus name. Say, "In the name of Jesus I shut the voices talking to me".   


Pray and ask God what he wants from you. Make a new beginning. Start praying about God’s needs as well as yours alongside. 

God has needs? God depends on humans? is this the question in your mind now. Then the answer is a YES. God wants our involvement, God needs our prayers for the growth of his kingdom. He wants people to pray for his pastor and his family, for their protection from satanic powers. God wants people to pray for the salvation of the unsaved people. He does have needs. I remember when I was disappointed in him at a certain point of my life and God (holy spirit) was encouraging me to pray for something and I said, “no God, do it if you want to otherwise leave it, I am not going to beg you for this”, he said with a voice of desperation, “I can’t do it unless you pray”. He cannot make a move in your life unless you pray. It's like fuel in your car.

Start training your mind that he is not your slave, neither are you his, you have a free will, so use it wisely. Lower your expectations and dreams, but don’t kill them. Have a very balanced set of mind. Read my article on why it is crucial for a Christian to have a sound mind.

Once I was struggling to get a job and I was repeatedly being told by my pastor that there is sin in you and that is the reason your not getting blessed. I immediately fell for this, I could not take a stand for myself. I heard another very famous pastor saying the same thing on TV, he said on a Sunday morning session, "you don't see prosperity in your life because you have sin in you". I was confused for a while, but then thankfully my reasoning mind helped me. This is wrong, pastors don't have a right to talk like that. It is they who teach us at the very beginning that once you accept Christ as your savior, the sinful nature in you dies, you become a new creation sanctified by the blood of Christ. I confronted my pastor regarding this and he apologized to me. That's the reason I am emphasizing on my words again and again, don't walk blindly, have a reasoning mind.   


I strongly suggest you all to take a slow walk with God because with experience I have learnt that whenever God makes a move in your life Devil goes crazy. Its not true what churches teach. They just keep shouting in every session that God wants to bless you, ask for more because God wants to give more, they say God is a generous giver. All of this is not true at all. Why is it that all of us going to church for decades now have not become millionaires? Why is it that for most of us life is still a struggle everyday. With the tiniest to tiniest move of God in our lives demonic powers raise and damage us to a spine breaking level. Its like the more you try to walk above the cliff the more you face the raging winds coming down the cliff in the opposite direction making your climb more and more difficult. 

Start praying now for something that you want a decade after, slowly things will manifest in your favor. Pray for your child's job right from his or her childhood. Pray for a house of your desire a decade before it actually happens, don't just pray about the ambience and luxury that your desiring, pray for God to protect it from satanic powers. 

This way you do not highlight yourself under Devils radar. Play safe. Make soft, slow and subtle moves. Don't sit in prayer for hours together, unless you have that anointing where God touches you and talks to you etc. Just tell him your needs, do what he has guided you to, wait for a minute and if you feel like your done then get up and continue your daily chores. 


Churches fail to address this, Devil is equally powerful as God and he watches over us non-stop. I haven't seen God making moves in my life as diligently as I saw devil's moves to destroy my life. I always sense a lot of anger and sadistic mentality of evil spirits to hurt me on a daily basis and this I haven't seen a single church talking about. I see my fellow believers going through this torment everyday and yet pastors don't focus on this. They make a happy face always and talk like life is a business class flight journey everyday.  

If you observe in church there will be a separate session where pastors take a couple of moments to call some people on the stage and speak about how God has blessed them and make us all clap for them and give glory to God. Most of the times the actual scenario is that there is literally no interference of God in what has happened to them. If some one has bagged a good job that's because that guy is talented by birth, he or she has got a good IQ power that has made them get a job. If someone is blessed with a beautiful house, that's mostly because those guys are rich by inheritance, their parents must have left them a lot a property behind which they are now enjoying. For someone who has just passed their medical college entrance exam its is not a work of God. This is all false glorification. You keep your mind balanced and don't expect God to do such miracles for you. You take a slow walk. I know this is disturbing and a lot more disappointing but this is the truth that sooner or later you will understand. It's not that you are not going to get anything from God, you will, but just take it slow. Don't try to force God to make sudden big moves in your life. 


Pastors all around the world have stories about their past like how poor they were once and how God has raised them from that. They always talk about how God blessed them with beautiful villa and beautiful kids and a big car. That does not happen to us. Yes, this is a bitter truth. All such things don't happen to us. God makes sure his servants are happy and he makes sure they feel his presence and power over their lives otherwise he cannot use them to guide others. We see God making big moves in their lives, he blesses them financially, heals people through them, casts out demons using them and yet nothing happens to them because there is an army of prayer volunteers behind every successful church who are dedicated to pray for the protection of the pastor and his family. Most of us are unaware of that and we believe in what pastors keep filling our minds with, God wants to bless you, God wants to give you more, you have not because you ask not.......and so much more. 

Please balance your mind. Have very minimum of expectations and keep yourself busy with your own lives. Serve God and also demand him to take a stand for you. You cannot live in poverty and call yourself a child of God. Ask him to release you from your financial crisis otherwise take a step back because what's the point in serving a God who only talks and does nothing. Pray for your marriage at least five or six years beforehand. Ask him to protect your children, because we are happy and complete only when our children are happy. Pray for their jobs and marriage.        

Here are some obligations one must follow to receive blessings from God.

1.    1. Have a life free from sin.

Restrain yourself from all addictions, wrong affairs, and wrong relationships and ask God to anoint you. 

2.      2. Wear the armor of God.

No body teaches what exactly wearing the armor of God means. No church talks about how powerful evil spirits and devil are. This is what you should do to apply the metaphor "wearing the armor of God" practically in your lives, get up in the morning, have a moment with God, pray for a while and in the end make a confession, rebuke evil powers around you, in Jesus name cancel their activities being plotted against you. Cover your house and all your vehicles by the blood of Jesus. That’s it, you’re good to go. Start your day in peace. This is a daily practice you should cultivate. It gets tiring sometimes but this is a fact and we all have to deal with this. One day if you miss this prayer you will see devil taking actions to leach into your life.

3.      3. Give Tithes regularly.

4.      4. Maintain good relationship with God.

Hope this article is helpful to you. God bless you all. AMEN. 

