While some may perceive curses as something that belongs to ancient times, dismissed by modern skepticism, the truth often reveals itself only when confronted with the relentless grip of misfortune. In the eyes of contemporary society, particularly among the Gen Z, disbelief in the supernatural may prevail—until they find themselves ensnared within the intricate web of cursed circumstances. It is in the depths of despair and the throes of relentless adversity that the veil of skepticism is lifted, and the reality of curses becomes undeniable

This list offers a glimpse into the diverse array of curses that have been documented throughout history and folklore, each carrying its own unique implications and consequences.


1.  Ancestral Curse: A curse believed to be passed down through generations within a family, often associated with unresolved traumas or injustices from the past.

2. Spells: Incantations or rituals performed with the intent to bring harm, misfortune, or control over a person or situation, often practiced within various magical or occult traditions.

3.  Evil Spirit Attachment: The belief that malevolent entities or spirits can become attached to individuals, causing disturbances, psychological distress, or physical harm.

4.  Curse from Wrong Relationships: Negative consequences believed to result from toxic or abusive relationships, where emotional or psychological harm is inflicted upon one or both parties.

5.     Curse from Sexual Involvement with Multiple Partners: A belief that engaging in promiscuous behavior can attract negative energy, spiritual disturbances, or bring about physical health issues.

     6.    Curse from Rape: It is unfortunate that the spirit from the rapist enters into you though its not your fault. The notion that the trauma of sexual assault can leave a lasting spiritual or psychological imprint, leading to ongoing suffering or negative consequences. 

7.  Curse from Addictions: The idea that addictive behaviors, such as substance abuse or compulsive behaviors, can invite curses or spiritual afflictions, perpetuating a cycle of suffering and turmoil.

8.    Psychological disorders invite curse into your life.

The rationale behind this notion often ties into the idea that mental illness can weaken a person's spiritual defenses or aura, making them more vulnerable to negative energies or malevolent forces.

9.    Curse because of forsaking God.

This concept is often grounded in theological teachings that emphasize the importance of spiritual alignment and adherence to religious doctrines. Departing from these beliefs is seen as straying from divine protection and guidance, potentially leaving individuals exposed to curses or spiritual consequences.

10. Feelings of Being Watched Is a Sign of a Curse

If someone is spying on you, they could be sending spirits and animals to watch you. If you get the feeling you are being watched, even when you’re home alone, this could be a sign of a curse.

11. Nightmares and Recurring Dreams

If you have a recurring dream in which someone is breaking into your house, stealing from you, or invading your space, this is a sign you are under psychic attack. Nightmares are a side effect of curses. Sleep paralysis and night terrors are an indication of curse.

12. Bad Weather over Your House

Depending upon the severity and power of the person cursing you, the weather over your house or property will be worse than elsewhere in the town. Dark clouds, rain, fog, tornadoes, etc.

13. Missing Personal Items

It is easy for someone to curse you if they have a piece of your personal property. Are you missing anything personal such as underwear, a hairbrush, jewelry, keys, etc.? These items carry your aura and are often used by witches to curse individuals. If someone’s been in your home recently and something personal has gone missing, this could bring curse on you.

14. Strange Objects on Your Property

If you find strange objects, symbols, or things on your property that don’t belong to you and seem to smell like evil magic, this could be a sign someone is trying to curse you. Dolls or objects that look like dolls are also a big warning sign. If you find something like this on your property, the best thing to do is get it off your property immediately. Take it to the other side of the town and trash it or bury it, or burn it and call your pastor to visit your property and ask him to pray over it. Curse over property can be invisible sometimes. No matter how hard you try and how good your property is evil can stop it from developing or from being sold. Confess over your property, cast away all evil, and get it sanctified with the help of your pastor.

15. Broken Relationships

A sudden broken relationship could indicate a spiritual attack. This could be any type of relationship: familial, romantic, friendship etc. Curses seek to destroy lives and what better way is to tear someone apart than to split them from their loved ones?

16. Random Negative Thoughts

You’re typically a positive, optimistic person, but suddenly you’re having depressing, maybe even suicidal thoughts. You’ve noticed these thoughts don’t seem to be coming from inside but they seem like they’re an outside source. Make note that these thoughts are NOT your own. This could be a sign of a curse and that you’re under spiritual attack.

17. Strange Animal Occurrences

A common sign of a curse includes strange animal appearances, disappearances and illnesses. The individual doing the cursing could potentially send an animal familiar to “spy” on you, bring bad juju to your doorstep, and more. Is there an animal that seems to be sticking around, checking you out more than usual? Have you found a dead or dying animal (or more) at your doorstep, recently? Or have your pets come down with illness or death? Unfortunately animals are subject to curses, too.

18. String of Bad Luck

Typically you are a person of good fortune. Things tend to go your way, within reason. Now, within the past few weeks/months, you seem to be dealing with an unshakable string of bad luck. Again, before jumping to the curse conclusion, examine your decisions in life. Is this “bad luck” reactionary to your poor actions in life? If the answer is no, you may have someone trying to curse you. Bad luck includes: financial problems, health issues, transportation/vehicle problems, etc.

19. Experiencing Random pains

Have you experienced random pains in your body that come and go on their own and after undergoing medical checkups the reports show nothing abnormal. This can be a sign of curse on you.

20. Healthy House Plants Getting Sick

If you see your healthy house plants are getting sick especially the ones you are most connected to, the plants that you love the most and have feelings for. The plants with which you talk and water them daily with love. It is a sure shot for the evil to hurt you. It knows that you are going to get hurt once the plant withers. This is an indication someone is watching you and you are under a spell.

From ancient maledictions to modern-day hexes, the impact of curses on human lives persists, transcending time and belief systems. Despite skepticism, the cycle of disbelief often gives way to reluctant acknowledgment when faced with the inexplicable and the extraordinary. In the face of adversity, even the most ardent skeptics may find themselves compelled to reconsider their convictions, acknowledging the enduring influence of curses on the human experience.


These examples underscore the multifaceted nature of curses and the varied cultural, spiritual, and psychological beliefs surrounding them. While interpretations and beliefs about curses may differ, their potential impact on individuals' lives is a recurring theme across cultures and societies.

