Hi all I am a secret Christian, a Muslim convert, living with my completely orthodox Muslim family. Today in this article I am going to talk about how important it is for people like me to attend church.
1. My first day of church.
Coming from different religious backgrounds attending church for the first time is going to be like a roller coaster ride. Full of surprises and entirety new experiences. I couldn't attend church in person for the first year of my Christian life but I was listening to preaching's online. God was speaking to me through Joyce Meyer videos. Attending church happened only after God interfered and opened doors for me. I met some Christian friends and they introduced me to a church.
My first day went really well because I was surrounded by some kind of Godly power and that power was comforting me, I felt very strongly the presence of God around me and their was no scope for nervousness or fear of not knowing anyone there. During the worship although I didn't know the songs and the entire ritual of singing songs and raising hands, praising God, the word Halleluiah was surprising to me, I found myself in a joyful mood. Normally when I am in a strange place I sweat and shiver due to anxiety but all of that did not happen. It was quite obvious that it's all because of God's grace.
2. Make sure you are born again(saved).
You know many people come to the knowledge of Christ but they go unsaved. I have seen many of my friends who know that people get healed through Christ and that there is some kind of supernatural power working upon those who believe in Christ, but still they don't come to God.
Feel fortunate if you get to attend a church and make the most out of it.
When you are a newbie you are very very vulnerable for demonic attacks. It will rip you apart piece by piece. Demonic powers will do whatever it takes to stop you from being SAVED or what they call "BEING BORN AGAIN".
As Christians you will always, I mean it, you will ALWAYS need a church and a group of Christian friends, especially in the beginning phases of Christian life.
To be born again all you have to do is, kneel in prayer and confess your sins to God, remind yourself of all the sins you have done in the past and confess them before God and ask him to forgive you. Then say, "Lord I accept you as my savior, I accept you my God, I invite you into my heart" and ask him to take over your life. Do this prayer by voicing it out, loudness is not necessary, nobody likes to confess their sins by shouting out loud. This prayer has to be verbal don't do it within your heart. Know the significance of praying out loud in my further articles.
3. Confess your sins, what does it actually mean?
We are all humans, all of us have one or the other kind of sin in us. First thing while you are planning to do this ask God to guide you and lead you in this. Even if you think that you have never committed any sin in your life, still ask God to guide you. God will remind you of the dark side of you. Sins don't have to be sexual things always, verbally abusing someone, willfully harassing someone, plotting harm behind someone's back, imagining romance with your crush or a movie star, watching porn.....all of these are also sins. The list is to long. Ask God to lead you in this matter.
Some people feel that they are washed by the blood of Jesus while doing this confession. Some people feel the power of God coming upon them and anointing them. Some also say they saw Jesus appearing in white clothes and full of light and welcomed them with open arms.
While in my case I did feel that a spirit entered my heart and I also went into a trans like state in which I felt like my soul is being carried above and there were some kind of spirits standing in rows on my both sides and they were clapping with joy while my soul was being lead forward. My pastor later explained it to me that those were angles in heaven celebrating my soul entering the kingdom of heaven. My pastor asked me to seek a message of confirmation from God. He said confirmation is important. I came back home, prayed again and God spoke to me through Joyce Meyer and confirmed it.
4. Continue to attend church.

Being saved is the first baby step of a Christians life. There is a very long way to go and you can't do it yourself. You will need a church.
God will talk to you through church. God will have a scope of anointing you with his power through church. Make sure you get yourself prayed with hands of the pastor or the church volunteers on your head, this releases God's power on you. Worshipping God in church alongside all the people there will boost you in a way that it will prepare you for the coming storms. It's like pouring oil into the lamp.
God will allow some people in that church into your life and guide you through them, provide support to you through their prayers.
Initial days of attending church and being saved will be like surviving in the middle of a hurricane but with a surprisingly peaceful mind. You can feel it. Some one else plays the game on behalf of you and protects you while you remain unharmed in the middle of the hurricane. And all of this happens with God's interference and the church interceding prayers for you.
Every church does prayers for new comer's, this is a common practice in church's all around the globe.
5. Give tithes.
If you're a student like me and you don't earn, just give whatever you can, even one dollar counts. God can bless you through this. God see's your donation and respects it. He will open doors for you and bring more money into your life. If you have a job then give your 10% to church at the beginning of the month.
6. Write your prayer requests on a paper and give it to church.
They keep praying for everybody, they have a team dedicated for this purpose. Write about your education, ask them to pray for God's help in your education. Write about your family, mention their names and ask them to pray for their salvation. Ask the church to please pray for your job and settlement in life. Don't hesitate that it's a big list. They will pray for you with joy, they don't mind doing it.
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