Creating circumstances in people's lives and making them suffer loneliness is a weapon of devil.
He loves attacking people who are lonely because their brains are empty and sad and that's the perfect cupcake for devil. 

1.ADHD can be the reason for your loneliness.

Often people with ADHD suffer loneliness because they no have friends. No one likes them either because of their forgetfulness(inattentive type ADHD, type 2) or because of their hyperactivity(type 1 ADHD). There friends list is literally zero. This is an open door for devil. He can attack you by pulling you into a wrong relationship which might seem heavenly and like a God's plan in the beginning but later you realise it's from devil. What devil gets by doing this?. He wastes your time and creates guilt of doing wrong, creates the guilt of sin, keeps eating your brain saying that you have gone against your God and that the anointing has left you. This will separate you from your God and breaks your confidence levels. Trust me having one wrong relationship in life will not separate you from God, in fact nothing will. Romans 8:39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord

He can attack you easily by raising your thoughts and taking them to the peaks of negativity where you end up by either being suicidal or harming yourself. 

2.Devil can easily turn your family and friends against you.

Another way devil creates extreme loneliness is by turning everybody against you. Smallest to smallest issue can be created, raised and used by devil to create anger and despise for you among the people around you. Always remember devil can control minds very easily. He is capable of controlling people's minds and this is one of his favorite games. He thoroughly enjoys it when you suffer mentally. When sit alone and cry hopelessly, that view is very pleasing to his eyes. 

One day while I was crying sitting in the corner of my room, I heard a voice whispering in my ears and saying, "it has been so long I haven't seen you crying this way, I love it when you cry like this." It was a spine chilling experience for me and I immediately understood that the situation that made me cry was designed by devil. 

3. Why women are more vulnerable to such attacks?

As women we often find ourselves dependent on family and friends. Before marriage parents are our strong support system and then post marriage husband takes this place. One simple notion from devil and loneliness floods into our lives. I suffered the wrath of my parents when they came to know that I started believing in Jesus and I did lose their support. Only I know the sufferings I had to face throughout my college. Devil pushed me into loneliness and that phase of my life was no lesser than hell. 

If your a married women, he is gonna turn all your neighbours especially your girl gang against you. He can turn your husband against you. A simple word of insult and comparing you with others or taking you for granted can be the beginning of this war. If your a working women, he is gonna make you sit lonely in your workspace all day. Eventually stress starts taking control of your body. This causes the release of cortisol hormone in women and we end suffering fatigue and depression.  

Talking to someone at least once in a day, laughing a little with colleagues in office or with the girl gang or with women in neighbourhood unknowingly releases the "feel good hormone" which is called endorphin. Endorphin is a very important hormone for women. It keeps us healthy and active. You don't feel alive when this hormone is deficient in your body. You always feel low and keep questioning yourself what wrong did I do. That is why laughter therapy is considered the most important therapy for senior citizens. It helps them cope up with the loneliness they suffer at that age. 

Though you try to handle the situation and face it with courage, it is a natural phenomenon in which you suffer fatigue all day and your life slowly becomes miserable. We women are more vulnerable because of the uterine hormones. It is also scientifically a proven fact that women tend to have depression more than men.

3. Do you feel like you have a curse of loneliness over you.
Some people are born with the curse of loneliness. This curse is because of soul ties. I was a person who suffered this for more than 32 years of my life. Now I am a 34 years old women and I feel I am delivered from this curse and pastor Vlad Savchuk video on soul ties had been a turning point in my life.

4. Devil chooses a person to be used against you.  

Devil often searches people's hearts for some sort of jealousy that he can use against you or any other kind of negativity that can be used against you. Have you ever seen lion attacking sheep's flock. It separates one sheep and then attacks it. That's the same strategy devil uses against us. If your working in an corporate office or if your a student, devil chooses a person who initiates this process of separating you. He or she doesn't just simply start talking rubbish against you, because people nowadays are vigilant and have a good reasoning mind set, but they wait for a chance where the negative talk about you can sound realistic to people. The devil uses this person to exaggerate negativity about you. It can be someone who has been holding grudge against you for a very long time. 

5. My personal experience of loneliness.

In my life I had a whole lot of people since my childhood who were used by devil. I still have my sister being used against by devil. The demonic seed in her heart was beauty. I was born with fair skin and she was born with dark skin. I've seen her blaming me for all her problems in her life. She often says, "my life turned a hell the moment you were born," "everybody who comes home compare my skin color with yours and they mock me, because of you I'll have to carry this shame all my life". 

I have seen this fair skin-dark skin jealousy game being played by devil among many siblings and then I realised I wasn't alone. My mom hates me for being born with the genetics of her mother-in-law because of which she never could love me like she loved my sister. I could sense a lot of anger and despise in her for me since my childhood but the reason was not known to me until I heard it from her mouth directly.

Devil used a professor of my college against me. He was always pointing out at me for no reason, making me stand and asked out of the course questions. He used to make me and all others who sat beside me stand for hours every single day for not being able to answer those questions. Eventually, no one wanted to sit with me and I was left alone in my classroom space.

After marriage I was trying to set up my own business and there is a women who wanted me to design her dresses at a very low cost. I was at the beginning phase and I wanted to have a word spread about my work and so I designed her outfits at a very low price. Later I started getting more customers and the same women came up again asking me to do the designing at the initial low cost level. I denied to do that and explained her the situation, told her that I need make some profit now because I want to grow my business. She was consistent, but I kept denying, then one day she raised her voice and was talking very rudely. I told her to never come again. Now, she is the team lead for the group that talks against me all day. They celebrate kitty parties, festivals, have great laugh together and all of this they do just beside my home so I could hear them and see them happy.

Honestly, now I don't care. I've had the guidance of Holy spirit and I am very thankful to him for this deliverance. He has taught me enjoy my time alone. I now enjoy my coffee, my time cleaning home while listening to my favorite music. I enjoy my time with my child and my pet.

I had a dream in my subconscious state of mind in which I saw a snake was moving very fast in the shape of 8. I woke up and I had a voice telling me, "now the evil is confused and doesn't know what to do". This was a great revelation I had in my life from God. I still have these women in my apartment, I greet them with smile whenever I come across them. I invite them every year to my child's birthday party and life is all good now. 

Hope you all have peace and love filled lives in God, Amen. 

