You are going to get ATTACKED BY EVERYONE around you.
Hello my fellow believers, this post is about how devil is going to use everybody around you to attack you.
It can literally be your mom, dad, bestfriend, husband, wife, your professor, the driver of your vehicle, your co passenger or also any stranger passing by.
Do not think that being a believer puts you in a safe zone where you are never susceptible to demonic attacks. We usually exaggerate ourselves listening to the words repeatedly put in our minds in churches like "you're a child of God", "you are highly favored", "evil has no power over you", "devil cannot touch you" and we see people clapping and shouting halleluiah and we think that's true. Actually, it is true but we have a role in it. We think it is God's duty to protect us and that we don't have to do anything. The fact that I learnt in all these years is that this is a two way relationship.
I am not saying that there is no way to protect yourself, there is definitely a way and that is through the name of Jesus, but the thing is that you must be vigilant and keep commanding evil powers to stay away from you everyday and every night in the name of Jesus and you should make confessions saying," I cover myself with the blood of Jesus and I cancel every demonic activity being plotted against me". This is the only way that worked for me.
Most of the churches fail to teach this. Pastors keep themselves busy exaggerating about God and his word, but fail to mention the ground reality that devil is always watching over you and believe me he never sleeps nor slumber. When you command evil powers to stay away from you for all this day and all this night, they are going to wait like hungry wolves for the next day to begin. I have also heard many pastors shouting to the top of their voice "devil cannot touch you", "devil has no authority over you", "you can achieve whatever you want through Jesus", "anything is possible through the name of Jesus", and a lot more, this encourages us to dream big and fills us with lots and lots of hope, but hey, reality is different. I mean just look around, look what all is happening in the world, do you really think it is easy for us to meat our dreams. Just one step towards your goal and one helping gesture from God, that is it, you're gonna be amazed looking at what devil is capable of. He hates the act of manifestation of God's work in a believers life because this will attract many more people to Jesus and you become devils next favorite meal. Devil is mighty and he amazes me every time he attacks. It gets scary sometimes. I remember asking God, why don't you protect when devil and his evil spirits are attacking me? the answer was "that's not my responsibility, I have given all authority and powers to you".
I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you." That's from Luke 10:9 (AMPC). Then I learnt about the power in making confessions and I learnt that my words have power. Evil spirits were departing from me when I confessed in the name of Jesus.
I remember being harassed by a stranger. He was stalking me. Somehow he managed to get my mobile number and was calling me repeatedly everyday. This went beyond my bearing ability. I was receiving some 100-200 calls everyday. One morning my phone was ringing and suddenly it just came out of my mouth and I said holding my phone, "get cleared in the name of Jesus," my phone stopped ringing that very second, in that exact moment I realized the power in the name of Jesus and that guy never called again.
Sometimes this confession doesn't work. Now you have to dig into the root cause of it which is 'Sin'. We are all humans, no supernatural or celestial beings who never do anything wrong, just confess and ask for forgiveness and that's it, you are good to go. Now your confessions will work. If you think you are clean and perfect then ask Holy spirit to show you and to enlighten you about what is the thing that is opening doors for devil to enter into your life.
Abuse from devil has many many faces. I am now talking about abuse through people around you. Sometimes the attack is random, but it can also be a well planned and deep rooted one. The random attacks starts when you start believing in Jesus. Devil wants to deviate you from getting deeply rooted in Jesus and so he will keep you busy. In this you will find your family and your friends who have been loving you for all these years suddenly turning up against you, they don't like you anymore, anything you do annoys them, they shout at you every now and then, they mock you, insult you, and abuse you.
The deep rooted attacks are the ones that begin right from your childhood or they may also begin after you accept Christ as your savior, such attacks remain dormant for a while may be a few months or years and in the right time they are demonstrated.
Evil powers put a negative seed about you in people's hearts and they just don't accept you. It's like he makes everyone around you have a superficial relationship with you. They are simply with you outwardly. Evil spirits keep feeding their brains against you and at one point when the devil decides to attack you, "the right time to snatch you" they lash out at you like a lava and bring out all the negativity they've been hiding in their hearts about you. The seed can be that of jealousy between siblings, despise for you in your parents hearts, it can be a constant bad rumor among your friends regarding you. The devil is capable of changing people's thoughts like a watercourse and the result is that you face abuse from them. You face isolation. The ultimate goal of evil is to hurt you and the result is you don't feel like walking ahead anymore. Unknowingly you fall into depression.
Some random demonic attacks include-
1. A best friend who has been with you for more than a decade might back stab you at work.
2. Sexual abuse is a very powerful demonic tool.
Because the scar and the hurt are so big that it remains for the lifetime and it detaches them from God. It becomes so hard for them to believe in divinity again and their is a constant question running in their heads, why did God allow this to happen to me? and the question remains unanswered for decades, meanwhile devil takes a foothold in their hearts.
Sexual temptation is another powerful demonic tool. Sexual temptation can come from any source. It can be a close friend, your colleague, even from computer screens, TV, mobile phones. Demonic powers always keep lurking in the background of your life urging you to give into this dark sin because this opens a very wide door into your life, it kind of gives all the authority over your life to devil. Plus the sexual temptations are so hard to resist and so men and women both fall into this pit very easily. Make every possible effort to run away from it.
James 4:7 in the Bible says, "Submit yourself to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you".
If you are someone who has experienced this kind of demonic attack, I am sure that now you will be listening to voices saying, "How are you going to face God now?" There is nothing to be worried about, God will not forsake you. He promised that he would never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:8, "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Now, take a moment to balance your mind. Say to yourself, "whatever happened has happened". Confess your sins and the next time be careful. Do not turn this thing into a habit because you might be inviting a curse upon yourself and your children for which you might regret. The reversal of such curses are almost next to impossible.
3. Road accidents
Ever wondered why a pedestrian on road is suddenly attacked by a fast moving vehicle. This can be just a coincidence but also there is demonic work behind it.
The demonic part here is that the guy driving the vehicle could have been blinded by devil. You can put yourself in the place of either the pedestrian or the driver. Evil spirits possess the ability to obscure minds temporarily. Consequently, the driver fails to perceive the pedestrian crossing the road. That is why the saying, "wearing the armor of God" is important. Pray before you leave the house. Teach your kids to do that. Morning prayers are crucially important for every Christian because this will keep you in God's shell all along the day and it closes all windows for demonic spirits to enter your life for the day. It is a battle everyday.
4. Girls are very much vulnerable to demonic attacks.
Travelling in public transportation can be dangerous sometimes for young women because while getting in and out they may suffer instances of unwanted touching in private parts. In such situations, they often find themselves unable to identify the perpetrators, leaving them feeling helpless and uncertain of who may be responsible. Evil works are wisely done. If the perpetrator is identified the situation would have been different because nowadays women are strong enough and are capable of self defense. So the demonic powers put in a lot of mind while attacking women.
Teach your daughters the significance of prayer and you too should pray for them. One might think this is not a serious issue, just being strong minded would be the right solution for this but the thing is, many people don't know that being touched inappropriately by such demon possessed men releases satanic power over women. It leaves a heaviness over them. It leaves them confused and disturbed all along the day and only someone who has experienced it will know how exactly it feels.
When women are rapped this happens too. The spirit enters the women even though it is not their fault. It does not make the women turn into a rapist but it pushes them into a realm of curse in which they find themselves failing in everything, at work, at business, at home, in relationships and everything starts getting snatched away by the devil. They will need a Godly sanctification after this.
Devil plans attacks on women by first destroying the support system around her. The earning men of the family, be it the father or the husband, are made to fall of. It's like how the target piece is strategically isolated while playing the game "chess". Men loosing jobs all of a sudden, their sickness, their death, all such situations are an open door for devil to enter the house.
Women must be very careful while making new friends. You never know what can unfold from them.
5. The brain eating attack.
It torments your mind. Evil spirits pour in perverse thoughts, intrusive thoughts, dark thoughts and twisted thoughts. Eventually you feel exhausted. You suffer headaches. Some suffer nightmares. Evil spirits cause you to dream of violent scenes about your loved ones being attacked like accidents, burning, murders, falling into deep pits and many such kinds. They can be so real that you wake up with chills.
I feel like the evil spirits outnumber humans. I many times feel like there is a whole bunch of spirits watching over me, talking to me and disturbing me. Its like a 1 on 10 battle.
6. Colonizing you.
This attack happens to a lot of believers and it is difficult to identify. People don't acknowledge this as a problem most of the times because only when something big happens like someone is possessed by evil spirit they call it a demonic attack and take it seriously. Evil spirits choose weak minded people around you and they use them to spill negative about you all around. Eventually you end up suffering loneliness. They not only spread bad rumors about you, they also make sure nobody talks to you and if anybody is showing faith in you and approaching you that person is boycotted. This creates a fear among others that if they talk to you they will be thrown out. All of this does not happen in one day, evil spirits take it slow and steady.
Now, when you are all alone, it kind of slips you into mild depression and you become vulnerable.
This loneliness driven depression creates low energy state in your body, mental fogginess, and most importantly self-doubt.
The solution to this problem is "Face it". Be fearless and say to yourself, "I am going to handle this loneliness with grace" and enjoy yourself during this phase of life. Whenever you have time put on the music you like, treat yourself your favorite meals, enjoy your meal. Pamper yourself thoroughly, go get a facial done, get a new hair cut, go for shopping then come home and pat your dog, sit on the couch watch your favorite show, skip the romance part in it, have a nice drink.
Always remember it's not about the people watching you, it's about the evil spirits behind all this watching you. When they see that all of their planning and hard work is not affecting you much and they failed in stealing your inner joy, that's when you win.
I had a dream in which I saw a snake was moving in 8 shape, confused and desperate, not knowing what to do next. Then I realized why Holi spirit was guiding me to enjoy my lonely time. The evil spirit got confused and did not know what to do next.
7. Attacks while in prayer
Evil spirits hate it when someone prays in the name of Jesus. While you kneel down in prayer you can sometimes experience sudden onset of muscle pain which you think is a physical issue that needs to be looked up by a doctor but it can be a demonic attack. Bugs, bees, flies and mosquitoes all of them can be used by devil to distract you from prayer. Devil can use people around you to disturb you in prayer. He can use your children or the elderly in home. For him, anything is possible. Nonstop yawning in prayer is demonic. Devil is capable of controlling your sleep, your moods, your appetite, and literally everything. He can show you your past sins playing in front of your eyes like a movie while you are in prayer. All you have to do is stop panicking and rebuke evil in the name of Jesus.
8. Attacked while in church.
People think church is well anointed and evil spirits cannot enter church, sometimes this is wrong. Possessed people come to church and sit among all like normal people, they participate and do worship like normal people and this makes it difficult for us to identify them. They subtly talk bad about pastor's preaching and create a doubt. They turn people of church against each other. Here, one thing you have to remember is, when words come out of an evil spirit possessed person, not only words but the satanic power is also released from their words and it makes its mark on our brains. Their words does not leave our minds easily. It keeps circulating and keeps coming back into our memory whenever we are alone like while washing dishes, driving or trying to read a book. This is what I call it "the brain eating".
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